Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Holyfield All Ears at Mike Tyson's One-Man Show

Even though he lived through a lot of it firsthand -- and would rather forget at least one part of it -- Evander Holyfield mustered up the courage to see Mike Tyson's biographical one-man show in Los Angeles this weekend.

Holyfield and Tyson -- who HATED each other following the infamous ear-biting incident of '97 --  buried the hatchet a few years ago (with a little help from Oprah). In fact, Tyson even showed up at an event in Chicago last month to support Holyfield's BBQ sauce.

This weekend, "Real Deal" returned the favor, checking out "Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth" ... and not only did he give the show a great review -- he gave Mike props for showing "respect."

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